September 3, 2013
Ye Shall Know The Truth and The Truth Shall Set You Free.

Yeah, I know: Texans have once again drank the state dry of Garrison Brothers Texas Straight Bourbon Whiskey. Last week I promised to bring a few bottles to tailgate parties. But after visiting four Twin Liquors, two Specs, and Cypress Valley Spirits, I was only able to find three bottles. As I understand it every Twin Liquors in Central Texas is once again SOLD OUT.

To our friends and neighbors here in Texas who are drinking all that bourbon we want to say THANKS! But it may be Hye time we had a little conversation about moderation.

I wanted to let you know about a couple of bourbon-infused events that are coming up soon (assuming we can find some bourbon somewhere).

Carnivore’s Ball

If you’re a fan of great Texas barbecue, you will not want to miss the Carnivore’s Ball at Ceres Park Ranch on Sunday, September 15. Arguably the best brisket smoker in Texas, legendary pitmaster John Mueller, will be feeding the masses. I’ll be sharing bourbon with the guests between 5 and 5:30. Then we’ll all get good and greasy with ribs and brisket.

Reservations can be made here but you better make them quick:

Bourbon 101 at Sigels Elite in Dallas

So far, I’ve hosted five Bourbon 101 classes across Texas. Each has sold out and those who come to tell us they learn a lot and have a great time. The next will be at Sigels Elite in Dallas on Fitzhugh on September 18 from 6 to 8pm. We’ll provide light appetizers, a few different vintages of our bourbon and gift bags for everyone who attends. To make a reservation, send an email with your contact information and the number of guests you’ll have to:

We’re slowly adding more Bourbon 101 Classes to the events section of our website and hope to host one in San Antonio and Austin soon.  Check out to find out when I’m heading to your neck of the woods.

See you soon.

Dan Garrison




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